Practicing sports in Sappada

Our Olympic Medals

Sappada is famous throughout the world as theLand of Champions: with its 10 Olympic medalsin the bottom and biathlon, of which 5 won bySilvio Fauner, 4 by Pietro PIller Cottrer and 1 byLisa Vittozzi, is the place with the highest rateof medals in relation to the inhabitants (1.300).

In addition to the champions, the Sappada skiarea also boasts splendid alpine and Nordic skislopes, for all difficulties. It is enough to have 3years of age to put on skis and be guided by ourinstructors on the beginner slopes…and get thefirst diploma as a skier!Adults also find the most congenial slopes for skiingin the mountains embraced by the Dolomites.

There are even refreshment points to relax, kissedby the sun after a splendid skiing.

Snowboard enthusiasts can surf while enjoyingbreathtaking views!The Sappada cross-country track, an internationaltemple for Nordic skiing lovers, winds its waythrough the sunny valley and enchanted woodswhere the luckiest can cross squirrels and roedeer.

And it can also happen that, on the runway,you are “competing” with the champions PietroPiller Cottrer and Silvio Fauner, thoroughbredsappadini fond of the Sappada cross-countrystadium.In short, in Sappada, skiing is right at home.

Sport estivi

Sport invernali

Today, Sunday 09 March 2025

Hour Weather Temp.
06:00 Sereno -1.7°
09:00 Sereno 7.6°
12:00 Nubi sparse 8.0°
15:00 Coperto 6.5°
18:00 Coperto 3.4°
21:00 Coperto 4.1°
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