Weather in Sappada

Find out about the weather in Sappada and the Dolomites, Italy, with information always up to date on wind and temperature conditions in your favourite holiday destination. Use our Italian Dolomites weather service and you will have the opportunity to plan fun-packed days in the best possible way, organising your activity and never be caught out unprepared.

Weather conditions in the mountains can change very rapidly and temperatures can undergo great variations in a very short time. This is the reason why knowing in advance what the weather is going to be like can be extremely useful in order to experience your holiday to the full.

Today, Sunday 09 March 2025

Hour Weather Temp. Wind Humidity Visibility Heat index
06:00 Sereno -1.7° WSW 1.3 m/s 82% 81 m -1.7°C
09:00 Sereno 7.6° SSW 2.4 m/s 42% 25 m 7.6°C
12:00 Nubi sparse 8.0° S 3.7 m/s 55% 25 m 8.0°C
15:00 Coperto 6.5° S 3.0 m/s 72% 25 m 6.5°C
18:00 Coperto 3.4° S 1.3 m/s 99% 6 m 3.4°C
21:00 Coperto 4.1° WSW 3.4 m/s 87% 80 m 4.1°C

Next days

Hour Weather Temp. Wind Probabilità di precipitazioni
09.03.2025 Nubi sparse Min. -2.1° / Max. 8.3° S 2.5m/s 10%
10.03.2025 Pioggia mista a neve Min. 2.5° / Max. 4.9° SSW 3.2m/s 81%
11.03.2025 Pioggia e schiarite Min. 1.8° / Max. 6.6° SSW 3.4m/s 65%
12.03.2025 Pioggia Min. 2.4° / Max. 4.1° S 3.8m/s 90%
13.03.2025 Pioggia Min. 2.3° / Max. 3.6° SSW 3.8m/s 84%
14.03.2025 Pioggia Min. 2.6° / Max. 3.6° S 5.0m/s 90%
15.03.2025 Pioggia Min. 3.4° / Max. 5.1° SSW 3.4m/s 85%

Data source:

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